Heart Attack .. Heart Attack .. How many people have been killed and lost their lives. Not only in our country, but also throughout the world, the Heart Attack victims continue to grow. When it comes to Heart Attack you need to respond at the right time. Otherwise the threat to life is threatened. Some of us have symptoms before it comes to heart attack. In fact, those who have heart attack risk have many properties in the body just before the month before. But most of them do not care. If you notice those symptoms and get the right treatment, you can avoid heart attack. It is possible to save lives. Let's see now that the Heart Attack will appear before the next month.
1. Is cold and flu fever often coming? Do they really lose? But the symptoms that appear before the heart attack. And even if the cough is getting better, It seems like an indicator before coming to the Heart Attack. So if any of these symptoms are long lasting, then they should be treated if they need heart tests. This can prevent you from getting the heart attack.
2. The symptoms of Heart Attack can be indicative of the lack of breathing and the frequent difficulties in breathing air.
3. Harms in the chest are signs of heart attack, such as being overweight and feeling stress on the chest. Do not delay if any of these properties are present. Treatment should be consulted immediately.
4. Being well alert and sleepy, these symptoms should be considered as hints for Heart Attack.
5. Do not be neglected if you have a long-term exhaustion, a tendency to never have a pain. These are the characteristics that appear before the heart attack.
6. Heart Attack Indicators are always awkward, poorly digestible food, gas, acidity, and stomach pain. Many people have a feeling of pain in the chest because of acetylcholine. Drugs should be used if all such tests need to be consulted by the doctor immediately without having any such pain.
7. If the hips come at the end of the eyes, they are indicative of the heart attack.
8. If the legs, feet, and the hair are always flammered, they are also signs of the heart attack
9. If the pain that starts in the left jaw comes down to the left arm, it should be considered as a hint of Heart Attack. No pain should be neglected. That is certainly a sign of the heart attack. So you should contact the doctor immediately. This pain will sometimes come in the throat.
10. Heart beat rates are not the same for people with heart problems. Varies. Not stable. If not, you should contact the doctor. HBB is more likely to reach the Heart Attack.
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